Article 1. Name and organizers
The name of the exhibition is GES2023 (hereinafter referred to “Exhibition”) and is organised by Services Export Promotion Council(hereinafterreferred to as the ORGANIZER) having its registered office at DPT -417 ,4th Floor, Prime Towers, Plot No. 79 & 80, Pocket F, Okhla Phase I, New Delhi, Delhi 110020.
Article 2. Venue, Exhibition dates and timings
The exhibition will be held at India Exposition Mart, Greater Noida in the National Capital Region from 14th to 16th November 2023 and will remain open to visitors from 10:00 hrs to 06:00 hrs every day.
THE ORGANIZER reserves the right to change the venue as well as the dates,
requirements. THE ORGANIZER also reserves the right to introduce an entry
ticket, which will be required to be purchased by the visitors or by the exhibitors on behalf of the visitors.
Section 2.02 Entry time for exhibitors
Exhibitors and persons employed by them and working for them may enter the
exhibition halls after 09:30: hrs and must leave the halls latest by 18:00 hrs.
Article 3. Permitted categories of exhibitors, goods and services
To safeguard the specialist nature of the exhibition, only the following categories of exhibitors, goods and services will be admitted:
Section 3.01 Permitted Products and Services/Sectors:
Products and Services/Sectors:
Accounting, Financial, Banking & Insurance & Fintech, Legal Services & IP
Ecommerce, Space, Scientific and related Technologies, Construction & Related Services (Architecture, Design, Engineering), Environmental Services,
Logistics, Healthcare & CRO, Tourism & Hospitality Services, Aviation
Education & Education (Edutech), Entertainment (Entech), IT & ITES,
Marketing Research, Printing & Publishing, R&D, Ministries/PSUs-Other than Tourism/aviation, State Government, Skill Development, Service Sector, Startups, Consultancy Services, Maintenance, Repair and Installation Services
The Organizer reserves the right to amend. Delete, modify and substitute in part or in full the list of exhibits presented above.
Section 3.02 Permitted exhibitors categories
All producers, traders, associations, institutions or consortia dealing in goods &
services indicated in article 3.01 above.
Representatives/agents/distributors/importers may take part in the exhibition and details of the company represented and their products in the directory entry form as well as a letter of authorization from the principals.
Section 3.03 Permitted visitor categories
Entrance to the Exhibition is open to trade representatives of the global services Industry and to those other categories that the ORGANIZER may decide to invite. Entrance is strictly upon invitation by THE ORGANIZER or by the registered visitor for any reason and its decision will be final and binding on all parties.
Article 4. Registration procedure, exhibition fees and essential services
Section 4.01 Registration Procedure
In order to register as exhibitor, the following documents must be submitted to the ORGANIZER latest by 31st October 2023.
(a) Application form for participation. It can be submitted in either of these ways:
i) online from our website, ii) by email using the application form received from us in “pdf” format, iii) sending original signed and stamped by the legal representative of the participating company (the stamped application form sent to the organizer by mail.
(b) The general regulation duly signed in the space provided.
The organiser reserves the right to modify the last date of submission or any other conditions hereof.
Section 4.02 While submitting the application, the exhibitor must take note of the following:
Section 4.02 Points to remember for registration
(a) The ORGANIZER reserves the right to reject any application, which
is not in accordance with articles 3.01, 3.02 and 4.01 of the general
(b) Submission of the application form by any means is an irrevocable & binding undertaking to take part in the exhibition.
(c) Submission of the application form by any means shall bind the
applicant to the general regulation, to the technical regulation contained in
the exhibitor’s handbook and to any subsequent forms of regulation laid down
for the proper functioning and organization of the exhibition.
(d) THE ORGANIZER reserves the right to reject or accept any application at any point of time. Its decision is final. Acceptance is formally communicated to the exhibitor through “Stand allocation notice”.
(e) The management reserves the right to request further documentation from the from the exhibitor with regard to products / services displayed or promoted.
(f) In order to safeguard the exhibition’s image and quality of the goods on show THE ORGANIZER reserves exclusive right to expel rules governing the manufacture, sale and marketing of their products.
(g) Exhibitors shall display / promote only those products or services, which are specified
In their “application form” and are in accordance with article 3.01 above. Display and promotion of these products should be confined only within the perimeter of the allotted stand.
(h) It is forbidden to display second-hand, re-built or re-conditioned goods and services without prior written permission of THE ORGANIZER.
(i) THE ORGANIZER declines any liability arising from events attributable to the exhibitors even if they are in accordance with the provisions of the regulation governing the exhibition.
(j) The exhibitor must ensure that its staff wears exhibitor badges provided by the organizer at all times during the show.
(k) Failure to observe the above regulation will lead to expulsion from the exhibition, closure of the stand and termination of the agreement with the exhibitor. Furthermore, the organizer also reserves the right to lay claim for further damages.
Section 4.03 Participation Charges
The charges for participation GES India 2023 are as follows:
There may be a possibility for exhibitors to design a Double Storey Booth subject to submission of structural Designs duly certified by a Structural Engineer. The height of booths in general may also he allowed up to 10ft. and if double storey. It may be allowed higher. |
All rates/ taxes as currently applicable and are subject to change as notified by relevant government authorities. Exhibitor is liable to pay any additional taxes which may come in force before or during the show or after the show if applicable with retrospective effect. |
Please note that the exhibitor’s request for 2, 3 and 4 sides open stands is only indicative and not binding on THE ORGANIZER.
Section 4.04 Essential Services with costs included in the participation charges
The exhibitor registered at GES INDIA 2023 is entitled to following services:
(a) Inclusion of the company name, address, telephone, fax, email address,
web-site address, contact-person and product details in the official
catalogue of the exhibition.
(b) One complimentary copy of the official catalogue.
(d) 1 Car parking will be allowed within Expo Centre r permitted vehicles.
However, Cars/Vehicle may be parked in the parking areas around the
the Expo Centre subject to valid permission of IEML.
Article 5. Payments
Section 5.01 Mode of payments
All the payments related to participation in the exhibition must be made favouring “Services Export Promotion Council” (SEPC) in any of the following ways:
- Payment Gateway.
- Through NEFT/RTGS, Bank Details are as under: -
Bank Name: IDBI Bank Limited
Saving Bank Account Number: - 167104000118514,
IFSC code: IBKL 0000167,
Section 5.02 Exhibitors must note the following:
No payment is valid unless it is made directly to “Services Export Promotion Council” (THE ORGANIZER).
Section 5.03 Payment Schedule:
The payments pertaining to participation in the exhibition should be made as per the following schedule:
100% advance with applicable Taxes.
Section 5.04 Proof of payment
In order to be able to take possession of the stand, the exhibitor will have to contact THE ORGANIZER’s office located at the exhibition venue and show the Payment transaction details i.e., UTR No/Transaction ID/Reference number for full settlement of the charges against participation. The exhibitor who is unable to show a proof of payment made in full will not be allowed to take possession of the stand.
Article 6. Exit Permits
Authorization to take displayed products/ goods and stand fittings outside the exhibition area will be granted only to those exhibitors who have cleared all their dues with THE ORGANIZER.
Exhibitors, their stand fitters and other representatives of the company, must show The exhibition personnel and “exit permit” which can be collected at THE Organizer’s Cash office located inside the exhibition venue.
Such permits are for internal use only and do not replace official receipt, invoices or waybills etc.
Article 7. Cancellation
After submission of the “application form”, any exhibitor who is unable to take part in the exhibition the advance payment will not be refunded or adjusted in any exhibition organised by SEPC.
Article 8. Allocation of stands
Section 8.01
Acceptance of “application form” and subsequent allocation of stands is the
exclusive right of THE ORGANIZER who shall allocate stands according to its
own organizational requirements and in view of the following:
(a) conformity of the “application form” to general regulation and payment
of the required deposit.
(b) Date of submission of the “application form”
(c) Availability of space
(d) Technical feasibility
The organizer reserves the right to modify, change layout of the show owing to the technical, commercial requirement or otherwise.
Section 8.02 Exhibitor’s requests
All requests put forward by the exhibitor on submission of the application are merely indications. They are not binding on THE ORGANIZER and the exhibitor’s participation is not conditional to the fulfilment of these requests.
Section 8.03 Change in the allocated space
For technical and organizational reasons, THE ORGANIZER reserves the right to change the allocated stand area and also to shift it to another of the exhibition centre. In such cases, the exhibitor shall have no right to indemnity or compensation and will be required to pay the difference in costs, if any.
Section 8.04 Right to allot bigger booth
THE ORGANIZER reserves the right to allot the large booth in the Expo to any specific product category / group with a view to give inputs to newly developed products in the GES 2023 also larger booth may be allowed for making proper Setting up of a section – wise display or to give exposure to less represented products.
Section 8.05 No sharing or sub-letting
Space will be allocated to exhibitors/companies by the name of the organisation and sharing or sub-letting will not be allowed under any circumstances.
Section 8.06 Handling complaints and disqualification in case of fault
In case THE ORGANIZER receives any complaint from the buyers about the quality /delivery or any other issue related with a shipment or order booked by any exhibitor, THE ORGANIZER shall examine the complaint and take necessary action to resolve the issue. However, if the exhibitor is found to be at fault, they may be disqualified from participating in future fairs as per the General exhibitor rules.
Article 9. Construction and dismantling of stands
Construction of stands must be in compliance with the technical regulation enclosed in the “exhibitor’s folder”.
Section 9.02 Construction subject to prior approval of the organizer
Construction of stands requires prior approval of THE ORGANIZER’s technical layout and working drawings of the structures must be delivered in duplicate to THE ORGANIZER along with the “application form” no later than 60 days before the opening date of the exhibition and construction may commence only after written approval from THE ORGANIZER. In any case, THE ORGANIZER will not be liable, for whatsoever reason, for the permits granted and actions undertaken by it. Such liability shall remain with the exhibitor in all cases. THE ORGANIZER shall not supply partitions for the stands, unless explicitly stand. Upon explicit request by the exhibitor THE ORGANIZER can supply construction folder”. Permissible weight on glass shelves.
Section 9.03 Partition Walls
THE ORGANIZER shall not supply partitions for the stands, unless explicitly requested to do so by the exhibitor by submitting the application for fully fitted stand.
Section 9.04 Stand fitting and materials
Upon explicit request by the exhibitor THE ORGANIZER can supply construction materials and fittings as illustrated in the relevant forms enclosed in the “exhibitor’s folder”.
Section 9.05 Permissible weight on glass shelves
Permissible weight on each shelf should not be more than the following:
3 kg on wall mounted shelves
6 kg on shelves in show window
6 kg on shelves on counters
Section 9.06 Maximum height of Stands
In covered areas, stands are allowed up to a height of two centimetres from the ground.
Section 9.07 Open Sides
For optimum display of products within the stands and for reasons of safety, no side of the stand facing the corridors shall be closed by panels or other means for more than 50% of its length.
Section 9.08 Safety of structural elements of Halls
No parts of the stand may be fixed to structural elements of the halls. The exhibitor shall be held liable and will be required to pay for any damage caused to the structures and / or equipment belonging to THE ORGANIZER or its suppliers during construction phase, during the course of the exhibition or during dismantling operations.
Section 9.09 Stand construction to be in accordance with approved drawings only
If the exhibitor fails to set-up its stand in accordance with the drawings approved by THE ORGANIZER, THE ORGANIZER reserves the right to remove all the operation and for the damages that may be caused during such removal. Platforms, podiums etc. leading to exhibits must be constructed within stand area in such a way that they are safe and enable visitors to move freely. No exhibit or any article would be allowed outside the stall or in the passage area. THE ORGANIZER reserves the times.
Section 9.10 Fire Safety Guidelines
Special Instructions to Exhibitors of Raw Space or Own Built Space.
(a)Use of inflammable material like dry grass/straw, jute & synthetic fabric, fabric/flex masking will be strictly prohibited.
(b) Use of halogen lights or any other high-intensity lights that generate excessive heat will be strictly prohibited.
(c) Electrical works in the stands must be entrusted to licensed electrical contractors use of ISI certified & fire-retardant material
of approved manufacturers shall be mandatory.
(d) For all raw space stalls, exhibitors are required to stall fire extinguishers during the construction & exhibition period including the period of dismantling.
(e) In case, the exhibitor’s fail to do the same, THE ORGANIZER will install and changes shall be billed to the exhibitor.
(f) In case of any untoward incident (fire threat) on account of negligence on part of the exhibitor or the contractor engaged by the Exhibitor, the exhibitor will be solely responsible for the loss including legal action by the authorities and the loss caused to the property of THE ORGANIZER, the Fair Venue, neighboring exhibitors, exhibition contractor/agencies engaged by THE ORGANIZER.
(g) THE ORGANIZER reserves the right not to provide electrical supplies and to close the stall if the above fire safety guidelines are not followed by
are not followed by the exhibitor.
Section 9.11 Movement of goods, persons and vehicles
Upon entering or leaving the exhibition area the exhibitor, its representatives, construction staff, carriers and their vehicles are subject hey shall provide all necessary documents proving their right to be in possession of the goods being transported.
Section 9.12 Possession of stands
- Raw Space: 10:00 hrs onwards on 12th November 2023
- Built up: 10:00 hrs onwards on 13th November 2023
- Stand Completion: 17:00 hrs on 13th November 2023 with all exhibits in position.
Section 9.13 Dismantling of stands
Unless specified otherwise, the dismantling of stands and removal of all materials must be completed immediately after the close of the fair. Failure to comply with the above shall give THE ORGANIZER the right to dismantle the stand and dispose of the material at the expense, risk and liability of the exhibitor.
Article 10. Technical services and utilities
THE ORGANIZER, in collaboration with its suppliers, shall endeavour by applying its best efforts in good faith to provide the services as mentioned in article 4.04
Depending upon the availability the organizer reserves the right to accept or reject requests for these services. Moreover, since THE ORGANIZER
does not have control over the management of some of them, the risks and obligations arising from the contract for the supply of such utilities and services remain with individual suppliers and THE ORGANIZER will not be liable for any claims for non-performance.
Article 11. Moving mechanical parts
No machinery or equipment can be displayed in the exhibition without prior permission of THE ORGANIZER. Only under exceptional circumstances, and with the prior written authorization of THE ORGANIZER, may machinery on display be started up, at the exhibitor’s
exclusive risk and subject to the following conditions:
- No nuisance is created to the nearby exhibitors or to visitors due to excessive noise, heat, or vibrations etc.
- All the necessary safety devices in compliance with safety and accident prevention requirement are installed.
- The exhibitor has adopted other measures necessary for the safety of its staff and visitors.
- The exhibitor must in any case ensure that the machines are equipped with devices for the prevention of accidents, fire, noise, noxious odours and gas and liquid emissions.
- Overhead loads are strictly forbidden.
(f) THE ORGANIZER’s “safety and control service” has the right to shut down any machinery, which is considered to endanger exhibitors or visitors or to cause them excessive nuisance.
Article 12. Transportation of goods during exhibition days
Transportation of any goods to the exhibitor’s stand must be authorized by THE ORGANIZER and take place between 19:00 hrs. and 08:00 hrs.
Article 13. Custom clearing and forwarding
Section 13.01 Forwarding
(a) The exhibitor is free to contact and avail the services of any forwarding agent in order to get its exhibits transported and cleared at the Indian
(b) The official freight forwarder of THE ORGANIZER is well versed with such operations and can provide clearing & forwarding services, loading, and unloading of goods. For this purpose, the exhibitor must request for these services in advance, by booking the official freight forwarder directly by sending him by the stipulated deadline the relevant application form contained in the exhibitor’s folder duly filled.
(c) The prices applied by the official freight forwarder are indicated in the relevant form contained in the exhibitor’s folder.
(d) THE ORGANIZER is not party to any contract made between the exhibitor and the official freight forwarder. Performance of such services is therefore, subject to direct confirmation by the official freight forwarder only with no claim accepted by or attributable to THE ORGANIZER.
Section 13.02 Movement of goods within the exhibition area
(a) Movement of goods within the exhibition area may be carried out only by the official freight forwarder at the charges indicated in the relevant form enclosed in the exhibitor’s handbook.
(b) Exhibitors are reminded that the operations of unloading and positioning of goods must be completed by 21:00 hrs on the day before the exhibition begins.
(c) For further information, please refer to the technical regulation enclosed in the exhibitor’s handbook.
(d) Loads requiring the use of hoisting and lifting equipment will not be allowed to be brought into the exhibition area.
(f) The official freight forwarder is not obliged to carry out any loading and unloading operations unless such operations have been booked by submitting the relevant request form by the stipulated deadline specified therein. After this deadline, bookings will be accepted only at the sole discretion of the freight forwarder.
Section 13.03 Custom clearing
Exhibitors or those representing them must obtain clearance for the importation of goods, in accordance with the laws in force at the time such operations will take place. All the liabilities, damages, charges, arising out of the exhibitor’s inability to properly understand or execute the procedures involving custom clearances or for any other reason lie entirely with the exhibitor.
Exhibitors are informed that the official freight forwarder is able to carry out any such formalities and supply any information required on such matters.
Article 14. Video and still photography
The stands and the products on display may not be photographed, filmed or in any way reproduced without the authorization of the exhibitor and THE ORGANIZER.
THE ORGANIZER reserves the right to photograph, film, reproduce, or authorize the reproductions of general views or details of the exhibition,
Stands and exhibits inside and outside the exhibition area.
Cameras and video cameras may not be taken into the exhibition area unless prior authorization has been obtained from THE ORGANIZER.
goods displayed. THE ORGANISER is not liable for any unauthorized reproductions of stands or goods displayed.
Article 15. Advertising, promotion and distribution of publicity material
Section 15.01 Advertising, promotion by the exhibitor
Each exhibitor may carry out promotional activity only within his own stand and for his own company and those he represents if such activity complies with the law, public security requirements, the general regulation and the technical regulation. The distribution of catalogues, price lists, other material and discussions/negotiations may be carried out by the exhibitor exclusively within his own stand.
Section 15.02 Advertising of products and services
Exhibitors intending to advertise their products and services must get their advertising material (Ad- copy, jingle, ad film) approved by the ORGANIZER and the concerned departments of the Government of India. Within the context advertising of their products, references to the exhibition may be made only after obtaining prior approval from the ORGANIZER in writing. For this purpose, a 16th October 2023 along with a covering letter on the exhibitor’s letterhead and signed by the chief executive of the exhibitor.
Section 15.03 Posters and signboards
Signboards and posters to be displayed are subject to the prior approval of THE ORGANIZER.
All the relevant forms together with advertising charges are included in the “exhibitor’s folder by the stipulated deadline.
Section 15.04 Catalogue and other publications
THE ORGANIZER oversees publishing and distribution of the official catalogue but does not assume any responsibility for possible omissions or errors. This publication will include information on exhibitors who have cleared all the dues and have submitted the catalogue sheet duly filled by the stipulated deadline.
By paying a fee, the exhibitor can add, if authorized by THE ORGANIZER, additional technical or advertising information. For more on fees and procedures please refer to the relevant forms. THE ORGANIZER also has the right, without responsibility for any omissions or errors, to print and distribute other publications used to illustrate and promote the exhibition at any time, whether in India or abroad.
Article 16. Surveillance and insurance
Section 16.01 General surveillance
At the close of the exhibition each day, the halls would be sealed by the security and will only be opened the next day half an hour before the opening of the exhibition. The Exhibitor is free to nominate his representative to be present at the time of sealing and reopening of the Halls. General surveillance will be provided during the opening hours of the exhibition. THE ORGANIZER however assumes no responsibility for any theft or damage to the property and material stored/displayed in the exhibition area.
Exhibitors must also provide for the custody and surveillance of their own stand during the setting up and dismantling operations. THE ORGANIZER will not be responsible for any theft or damage during this period.
Section 16.02 Insurance
In their own interest, the exhibitors are advised to get an insurance cover against third party liability, damage to objects, equipments, exhibits, theft,
burglary etc. during the stand set-up, exhibition and dismantling periods. The organizer does not provide any insurance and is not liable for damages in any respect.
Article 17. Prohibitions and miscellaneous
Section 17.01 Prohibitions
In addition to the prohibitions already specified in the articles of these general regulation and the technical regulation, the following are expressly forbidden:
(a) To make holes in or put nails /screws into the walls, ceilings, or flooring or to attach loads to the structure of the pavilion.
(b) To display items, without the prior and specific authorization of ‘THE ORGANIZER, not set out in the “application form” or outside the commercial categories of goods included in the exhibition.
(c) To light or cause to be lit fires or to bring explosive, malodorous, or dangerous materials or items in any way likely to cause damage or nuisance in the exhibition area.
(d) To remove from the general exhibition any products or materials during the course of the exhibition, unless permitted by THE ORGANIZER in writing.
(e) No stand should be left unattended during the exhibition hours. No activity which in the opinion of THE ORGANIZER amounts to nuisance or annoyance will be caused by the participants. The playing of music system shall not be allowed.
(f) All participants are required to remove the night sheets/curtains from their stands at 09:00 hrs at the time of opening of Expo. In defiance of the same, THE ORGANIZER reserves the right to have the night claim on account of closure, theft, pilferage etc. will be entertained.
(g) To distribute advertising material (magazines, catalogue, leaflets, brochures etc.) Which do not belong to the exhibitor.
(h) To use the trademark of THE ORGANIZER or the exhibition without written authorization.
(i) To bring dogs into the general exhibition area, with the exception of guide dogs for the blind.
(j) To cause disturbances or nuisances if any kind which is likely to interfere with the normal course of the exhibition. Any such instances will result in the immediate expulsion of the offending exhibitor.
(k) To carry out any kind of political propaganda in the general exhibition area.
(l) To leave behind furnishings, carpeting, adhesive tapes / canvasses or waste of any kind.
(m) To sell directly any items on display without prior permission of the organizers and of concerned government tax departments customs and excise departments.
(n) To display prices.
(o) for exhibitors or their staff or customers to remain within the stands or exhibition area grounds after the exhibition’s closing times, or at times
other than those in which the exhibition is open, unless special authorization has been obtained.
(p) To carry out any kind of catering activity, in whatever capacity, without in possession of the express written permission of THE ORGANIZER.
(q) To display used or second-hand, reconstituted or reconditioned products without prior written authorization by THE ORGANIZER.
(r) To begin disassembly or to remove any exhibits from the stands before the closure of the exhibition.
THE ORGANIZER may terminate its contract with any exhibitor in breach of these general regulation, the technical regulation or other regulations laid down for the any reimbursement or damages, while THE ORGANIZER reserves the right to recover damages in full.
Section 17.02 Miscellaneous
(a) The exhibitor is liable for any injury to persons or damage to things caused by the equipment, structures or other objects, in the area allocated to him, as well as for his own acts and for those acting for him.
(b) Food & Beverages used for tasting or any other activities should be FSSAI certified. In case of any healthy hazard, all liabilities shall rest with the exhibitor.
(c) The technical regulation and the rules for technical supplies and those contained in the relevant forms are an integral part of the general regulation and may not be separated from it.
(d) Presentation of the “application form”, together with the undersigning of the general regulation binds the exhibitor to the technical regulation, which are enclosed in the exhibitor’s handbook.
(e) For optimal management of the exhibition and its internal services THE ORGANIZER reserves the right to modify this general regulation or general regulation. Such norms and regulations shall have similar force as the general regulation and are therefore equally binding on the exhibitor.
(f) Where the general regulation does not cover specific rules and/or conditions, the law of the Republic of India is applicable.
Article 18. Technical Regulation
If required, the organizer will formulate technical regulation, in addition to the present general regulation, in order to better manage the technical aspects of the exhibition. These regulations will be equally binding as the present general regulation and are therefore equally binding on the exhibitor.
Article 19. DATA
The exhibitor expressly authorizes THE ORGANIZER to communicate the data that it provides on its company, activities and products & services, to the persons and for purposes indicated here below:
Section 19.01
To the subsidiaries, associates, consultants and suppliers of THE ORGANIZER in order to facilitate the organization of the exhibition and essential and optional services as mentioned in article 4.04.
Section 19.02
To the third parties including, subsidiaries, associates, consultants and suppliers of THE ORGANIZER to journalists, P.R. agencies and to all such persons who, in THE ORGANIZER’s opinion, will use the data in order to facilitate the execution of a successful promotional campaign of the exhibition.
Section 19.03
To specialized agencies for carrying out market research and customer satisfaction surveys.
Section 19.04
To potential visitors and exhibitors through promotional material of the exhibitions organized or marketed by THE ORGANIZER.
Section 19.05
To different government agencies under requirements of law:
Section 19.06
Dissemination through the official catalogue or through any other print or electronic medium during the normal course of the ORGANIZER’s activities.
Article 20. Force majeure
The ORGANIZER shall not be liable or considered in default and will be under abandoned, cancelled or suspended either fully or partially due to any reason beyond its reasonable control and occurring without its fault or negligence.
These reasons include, but are not limited to, failure of suppliers, sub-contractors, and carriers, non-availability of exhibition space, change in government policies war.
In such cases, the ORGANIZER will not be under any obligation to repay the amounts received from exhibitors on account of their participation in the exhibition. THE ORGANIZER may, at its own absolute discretion, decide to repay any part of the amounts received and will not be liable to any claims, liability or action. For all disputed matters, the decision of THE ORGANIZER Expo Committee shall be final and binding on the applicant / participant.
Article 21. Governing law: Resolution of disputes
In the event of any disputes between the ORGANIZER and the exhibitor remaining unresolved, the same will be settled by arbitration in accordance with the law of the Republic of India which law shall be the only applicable law governing arbitration in this respect.
All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi courts only.